Residents aged 55+ gathered at the Bridgeview Community Center on Thursday, March 6th at 11:30am for delicious food, St. Patrick’s Day fun, and the chance to hear a skilled bagpipe player mark the occasion.
Leprechauns, rainbows, and green and gold decorations got the luncheon crowd in the lucky spirit, and they dined on delicious eats from Niko’s, including chicken, beef, mashed potatoes, green beans, salad, buns, and more along with water, lemonade, and coffee refreshed constantly as needed throughout the event. Chocolate and vanilla cupcakes served as the tasty afternoon dessert.
Charles & Company rocked the crowd with classics, and Charles even pulled out a cowbell to mix things up. After the crowd was warmed up, the bagpipe player walked around the room in full traditional dress as he played his woodwind instrument. The crowd cheered at the end of his performance, and Mayor Landek took the microphone to honor Trustee Struzik who announced her upcoming retirement. Mayor Landek also gave the audience a sneak preview of the 2025 Vehicle Sticker and reminded everyone about the Lions Clubs’ Super Sunday event.
Charles & Company returned to the stage to keep people dancing, singing, and laughing throughout the afternoon, breaking only for the exciting raffle prize giveaways where anyone could be a winner with a little luck. The Village of Bridgeview appreciates all who attended for helping the Lucky Luncheon strike gold.