Charles & Company performed for the crowd!
Seniors danced the afternoon away!

Bridgeview residents 55+ gathered in the Bridgeview Community Center on Wednesday, June 19th at 11:30am for the sunlit Summer Picnic hosted by the Village of Bridgeview. Delicious food and the incredible Charles & Company captivated the excited audience with their live musical performance. 

Balloons of hot dogs, hamburgers, ketchup, and mustard accompanied red-and-white checkered tablecloths and other summer decorations adorning the Community Center. Seniors enjoyed a pleasant pallet from Niko’s including potato salad, hamburgers, hot dogs, chicken sandwiches, along with water, lemonade, and coffee refreshed at every table as needed throughout the event. Attendees with a sweet tooth could also enjoy apple pie provided for all, ensuring a delicious dessert after a surfin meal. 

The beloved Charles of Charles & Company of course performed his signature move, playing his guitar and singing to the tables throughout the community center as people laughed and dined. The band was in full form, bringing seniors of all ages to the designated dancing space in front of the stage for slow and energetic songs alike. People sang, twirled partners, and even line-danced, bringing a vibrant energy to the whole event. The combined musical artistry of Charles, the keyboardist, the drummer, and his fellow guitarist put smiles on everyone’s faces. 

The band paused for the prize giveaways, and eleven lucky Bridgeview residents came up to the stage to claim their prizes after hearing their raffle ticket numbers called. The group walked away with fun summer-themed door decorations and gift baskets. Charles & Company then returned to the stage to end the afternoon in even higher spirits with their lively tunes and magnetic dancing. The Village of Bridgeview appreciates its employees, Charles & Company, and all who attended for making the Summer Picnic shine!