The Bridgeview Street Resurfacing Project to improve our infrastructure and beautify our community is now entering its fourth year. In 2024, the Village plans on having nearly half a mile of streets repaved. Curbs, sidewalks, and storm sewers will also be updated as needed.
Roads to be completed this year include:
- 77th Street – 78th Ave to Roberts Road
- 78th Street – 78th Ave to Sholer
- 82nd Street – 78th Ave to Roberts Road
- 81st Place – The cul-de-sac to Roberts Road
- Ferdinand Avenue – 82nd to 83rd Street
Dover Street – Willow Lane to Southfield Drive
Bridgeview was founded as a well-balanced community and stays true to that principle by ensuring that residents can safely walk and drive to their homes, that students can safely travel to school, and that workers can safely drive to the businesses supporting our local economy.
Chairman of the Public Works Committee Trustee Gary Lewis looks forward to the year’s public works projects. “The Village of Bridgeview is always investing in reliable public infrastructure and making our community a better place to live. Continuing the Street Resurfacing Project ensures that not only our adults and seniors but also our children will be able to safely walk, bike, and drive around Bridgeview on modern roads and sidewalks for years to come. We’ve also been modernizing our entire sewer system which ensures that our Village is better prepared for the management of stormwater. All these projects protect the property and lives of our residents in Bridgeview.”
The Bridgeview Street Resurfacing Project has been vital to enhancing the infrastructure of the Village, and Bridgeview is committed to ensuring that roads and sidewalks are safe and beautiful for many years to come.