Bridgeview Public Works Department
Bridgeview Public Works
7500 South Oketo Ave.
Bridgeview, IL 60455

The Bridgeview Public Works Department provides municipal services in several areas. They maintain our village streets, water and sewer systems, village vehicles and public buildings, and branch chipping. During warm weather, they also handle mosquito abatement duties.
Joint Utility Locating Information for Excavators
Before digging on your property, be sure to call JULIE at 811, to locate underground utilities and avoid serious problems or a disaster.
JULIE has been protecting Illinois communities for more than 45 years by providing a free notification service for homeowners and professional excavators to use to request the location of underground utilities before they dig.
Village Streets
Public Works Department operates their street cleaning equipment when weather permits.
No trash containers are allowed in the streets at any time.
Property owners should keep grass clippings and leaves from accumulating in the streets and along curbs.
No parking is allowed on village streets when there is an accumulation of snow 1″ or greater. The Public Works Department will dispatch their snow removal crew at this time.
Residents should not deposit snow in the streets, as this creates a safety hazard for motorists and inhibits snow removal efforts.
Water & Sewer System
It is extremely important to keep our STORM SEWERS clean.
No one is to pour oil, nor any other materials down the sewer drains.
It is also important to keep leaves and grass clippings out of the sewers.
If you notice surface water flowing out of the street, sidewalk or ground, report the problem and location to the Bridgeview Customer Service at 594-2525 or call 9-1-1 after office hours.
Sump Pumps
Sump pumps are not to pump water directly into storm sewers. Sump pumps cannot be connected to sanitary sewers. Hoses connected to sump pumps are to be no longer than 10’ from the building.
Branch Chipper Service
Bridgeview Public Works offers a branch pick-up/chipping service free to village residents for branches longer than 4 ft. Put these branches with the cut side facing the street. Do NOT bundle them.
Weekly Chipper Schedule:
- Monday: North of 87th Street, West of tracks
- Tuesday: North of 87th Street, East of Tracks
- Wednesday: South of 87th Street
If you have any additional questions, please call the Bridgeview Customer Service Office at 708.594.2525