The Lions Clubs of Bridgeview, Argo-Summit, and Justice joined together to host a Super Sunday celebration for outstanding members of the local community on March 10th at the Bridgeview Community Center. Residents who attended listened intently as the event’s master of ceremonies, Justice Lion Brian Bernardoni, briefly detailed the goals of the Lions Club, an international organization dedicated to serving people in need with programs such as collecting donated eyeglasses and hearing aids and distributing them to those who apply for assistance.

After the introduction, Boy Scout Troop 13 posted the colors for the Pledge of Allegiance, and MC Bernardoni continued with the presentation before Lion’s Club members, supplemented by Village of Bridgeview staff, served food from Niko’s to all in attendance. With lunch served, the Lions Clubs prepared for the main event, and the Argo Community High School Orchestra took their seats to play triumphant music for award winners.
Starting off the awards ceremony, Bridgeview Lion and Indian Springs School District 109 Superintendent Dr. Blair S. Nuccio took the stage to provide the Educator of the Year award to an amazing educator from the district. Dr. Nuccio described the wonderful character and important work done by the Wilkins Elementary special education teacher Kelly Shue and provided the honoree with the award as the audience applauded and music played. Then came the Educator of the Year award for School District 217, with Argo-Summit Lion and Argo-Summit Community High School Superintendent Dr. William Toulios explaining the profound impact that the honoree, Jacques Moses, has had on students in the community. The award was proudly presented to the beloved high school physical education teacher, coach, and mentor.

Next came the Veteran of the Year award presented by Ray Jachim of the Bridgeview Lions Club, a Club member for over 40 years and a veteran himself. For his service as an air force firefighter, Justice Lion Sgt. Ron Patrick was sincerely thanked and honored with the award.
Argo-Summit Lions Club President Tula Been then presented the Business of the Year award to a longtime local business founded in 1984 with a history of giving back to the community. The award was bestowed upon Telerico-Martin Bakery and given to the owner, Robert Talerico. Mr. Talerico detailed the history of the business’s founding and honored the memory of his late co-founder, Michael “Mickey” Martin. Mr. Talerico brought many of his amazing team members on stage with him to represent the over 500 workers now employed by the business, which also donated cakes dedicated to the other award winners.

Finally, Bridgeview Lions Club President Margie Strzemp called up the winners of the Peace Poster of the Year awards granted to students from Wilkins Junior High for their art in support of world peace. Zaina Salem was honored with 1st place, Gianna Neri was honored with 2nd place, and Dante Alvarez was honored with 3rd place for their heartwarming works.
President Strzemp was grateful that so many community members came together for the celebration. “Our work depends on local people who want to make a difference in the world. As Lions, we want to help as many people as we can, and we hope that more community members will join us in serving our community now that they have a better understanding of what it means to be part of the Lions Club.”
The Lions Clubs of Bridgeview, Argo-Summit, and Justice provided checks to Boy Scout Troop 13 and the Argo Community High School Orchestra in appreciation for their services before thanking attendees and the Village of Bridgeview for making the event so successful as the Clubs work to continue serving their community.