Volunteers pack toys and nonperishable foods for distribution.

On Wednesday, December 5th the Bridgeview Chamber of Commerce collected and distributed items donated for their Food and Toy Drive. Along with Bridgeview’s Village Hall, dozens of local businesses and organizations served as drop off locations for canned goods, dolls, toy cars, and more to make life a little better for those in need in our area.  

More than 30 volunteers from various organizations worked out of the Bridgeview Community Center to organize donations, pack boxes, and transport the items to their destinations within Bridgeview and nearby communities. St. Fabian, Catholic Charities – St. Blase, Mosque Foundation, AAFS, Summit Senior Group, and School District 109 each received donations to be shared with community members. This important work provided meals and gifts to families during the holiday season. 

The Village of Bridgeview appreciates the efforts of the Bridgeview Chamber of Commerce and all who made the Food and Toy Drive possible, and the Village looks forward to supporting this event again in the future.