The Mental Health Commission of Lyons Township, NAMI Metro Suburban, and Grief Connection Space brought the skills-based Youth Mental Health First Aid training course from the National Council for Mental Wellbeing to the Bridgeview Public Library on Friday, January 31st. The blended online and in-person training was free for anyone who wished to attend to learn how to better support youth mental health, and lunch was provided during the hours-long course. The eight participants completed about two hours of online pre-work to introduce them to the basics before coming to the in-person portion of the class for elaboration on the concepts with trained instructors, group activities, and videos. The wide range of participants, who came from Bridgeview, Burbank, Summit, Justice, Elmwood Park, and Elgin, dove into the steps of the non-linear ALGEE action plan (Assess, Listen Non-Judgmentally, Give Resources, Encourage Professional Support, Encourage Self-Care) for addressing youth mental health crises and problems, learned the signs and symptoms of mental health problems youth might experience, learned how to respond to a person experiencing a drug overdose, and practiced life-saving skills. The instructors came from the Mental Health Commission of Lyons Township and Pillars Community Health and answered questions from the participants to ensure they felt confident in providing Youth Mental Health First Aid as certified YMHF First Aiders by the end of the class.