Senator Mike Porfirio stands alongside members of the Edgar County Farm Bureau atop SeatGeek Stadium’s roof.

On Tuesday, September 10th, the Adopt-A-Legislator program brought Members of the Edgar County Farm Bureau to the 11th Senate District alongside State Senator Mike Porfirio. Among their stops was Bridgeview’s SeatGeek Stadium. 

Founded in 2001, the Adopt-A-Legislator program seeks to create long-term relationships between urban state legislators and local farm owners. This process begins with legislators holding a district visit, and then farmers holding a farm visit. 

While at SeatGeek Stadium, the Edgar County Farm Bureau got to see a guided tour of the property. Among the many locations they visited at the Stadium were the turf and grass sports fields, Bridgeview’s Sports Dome, the elegant Second Star Club inside the stadium, the stadium field itself, and the view from the stadium’s roof showcasing the Chicago skyline! 

The exchange visits are an enriching experience for everyone,” said State Senator Mike Porfirio. “You get to learn so much about how different lifestyles are between suburban and rural areas.” 

As of today, county farm bureaus have adopted 73 urban legislators, with almost every Cook County legislator being a part of the program. “I suggest that more legislators join the program,” Porfirio continued. “It allows us to connect with people we wouldn’t normally have much contact with and enables us to see problems and solutions from a different citizen’s perspective.”