The Village of Bridgeview’s Fire Department has a new fire engine in service after nearly three years of preparation. The process for getting this brand-new vehicle involved Department staff writing the vehicle specifications, meeting with the manufacturer multiple times, and waiting for the order to be placed in the production line for assembly. Once built, the new engine was taken to the dealership where it was outfitted with reflective striping and lettering along with communication equipment. After delivery, our Bridgeview Firefighters mounted tools, adjusted shelves for equipment, and bedded fire hose.
The $803,000 fire engine, designated as Engine 411, is equipped with a 2024 E-One Cyclone pumper capable of pumping 1,500 gallons per minute. The engine carries 780 gallons of water and approximately 2,800 ft. of various sized fire hose. It safely seats up to four firefighters and carries a vast array of equipment for vehicle and machinery extrication, hazardous materials incidents, EMS gear for medical emergencies, and other specialty equipment. Engine 411 recently went on its first call, showcasing its effectiveness.
“The new fire engine replaced a well-worn spare engine, and it’s expected to serve our residents for the next twenty years,” explained Fire Chief Grzadziel.
The Fire Department is constantly monitoring the state of its equipment and works with the Village of Bridgeview Board of Trustees to maintain a modern and effective suite of technology to extinguish fires, manage various emergencies, and save lives.